About Us

Building Designer

Tim Holmes is an Accredited Builder for both Residential and Commercial Construction; he is also an Accredited Building Designer. He has been a full member of Master Builders Tasmania for 28 years and an MBT recommended Building Consultant for nearly as long. Tim has completed over 200 building projects as the builder and principal contractor. Most of these projects have involved both the design and the construction. He has designed the projects, drawn the working drawings for council approval and then seen the construction through to completion. See Portfolio for some examples of those buildings and Awards for some details of recognition for construction excellence.

In more recent years he has been more involved in the design of buildings and less involved in construction. Tim still enjoys the opportunity to express his love of natural materials such as stone, rammed earth and big timbers in contemporary buildings that are built to last.

Building Inspector.

During the many years as a building contractor Tim did a lot of the trades work himself. In the process he has used just about every material in common and not so common use in the construction industry in Tasmania both modern and traditional so he is familiar with how things should be done. He has also worked closely on projects with some of the best specialist tradesmen in Hobart. The range of experience includes heritage buildings, contemporary homes, conventional homes, alternative homes and commercial buildings using most of the known methods of construction since the first settlement in Tasmania...

Throughout his career Tim has undertaken restorations, extensions, renovations, roof extensions he has even relocated existing homes. Heritage Conservation has been an area of special interest with many projects involving the repair and restoration of Traditional buildings. He has also done extensive research and training. See Training for more details.

Tim has assisted on inspections with a well-known Hobart Structural Engineer who specialises in the conservation of Traditional buildings; he has also assisted with structural inspections alongside other experienced engineers.

The many years of working on Tasmanian buildings and the thousands of inspections carried out has enabled Tim to build up very thorough understanding of the problems that can occur in buildings. Tim is still finding great satisfaction working as a Building Consultant using the knowledge he has gained to examine and interpret buildings before and after purchase. Clients are especially pleased with the clear and easy to understand way in which Tim explains buildings and their many idiosyncrasies. Tim is ably assisted in all field work by his wife Tammy who is a veteran of the over 3,000 building inspections they have done together. Tammy takes notes, has a sharp pair of eyes and an excellent memory.


Tim was a fulltime studio potter before he became a builder. Now that he is no longer involved with construction the plan is to rebuild the woodfired kiln and start making pots again. People that know him will laugh because he has been saying that for as long as anyone can remember. One of these days it just might happen. Meanwhile you will see a few photos of old pots to keep the memories alive.