The Building Company

The projects shown in the portfolio of photos have been selected from work that has been completed over many years. The earlier ones were designed and constructed by Tim Holmes Builder & Designer Pty Ltd. The middle period projects were designed by Tim Holmes and constructed by Creative Building Pty Ltd. Creative Building Pty Ltd was a partnership between Tim Holmes and Gabriel Horsley. Tim was designer and project manager, Gabriel was the site manager and provider of beautiful finishing detail. The later projects were designed by Tim Holmes and constructed by Gabriel Horsley as the sole director of Creative Building Pty Ltd. There are a couple of exceptions in the portfolio 1. The Eagle Hawk Neck House was designed by another designer. 2. The Dunalley Hall was designed by Tim but built by another builder. Gabriel did contribute the servery for the Hall, it was made out of recycled timbers.










2011 Master Builders Tasmania Excellence Award Winner Dwelling $500,000- $750,000

2011 Master Builders Tasmania Excellence Award Winner Best Use of Timber

2008 Master Builders Tasmania Excellence Award Landscaping

2007 Master Builders Tasmania Excellence Winner Workmanship Award (Best workmanship on a domestic construction project in Tasmania)

2007 Master Builders Tasmania Excellence Award Winner Best Use of Timber

2007 Master Builders Tasmania Excellence Award Winner in New Construction up to $350,000

2001 Master Builders Association Excellence Award Winner in Commercial New Construction up to $500,000

1999 Master Builders Association Best Kitchen award Winner

1999 Master Builders Association Award Winner in Home Improvement

1996 August Master Builders Association Job Award Winner

1995 Master Builders Association Excellence Award Winner in Heritage Restoration